Personnel Information: Benefits & Awards
Many insurance options are available to faculty. Employees may select from two types of health plans and choose from a variety of supplemental plans to best meet their individual and family needs.
Human Resource Services serves as a liaison with the state of Florida's Division of Retirement and employees regarding pension plan information. In particular, employees can obtain help enrolling in retirement plans, counseling on retirement benefits, and assistance throughout the retirement process.
Tuition Exchange Program
The Tuition Exchange Program provides the opportunity for dependent children of UF's full-time faculty to attend a participating Tuition Exchange college or university at a significant tuition reduction or at no tuition charge. The Tuition Exchange program is a scholarship opportunity rather than a fringe benefit; there is no guarantee of acceptance of dependent children into the program.
Other Benefits
Beyond an outstanding insurance benefit package, UF offers employees a variety of other, often less known, benefits.
The University of Florida makes available numerous awards for teaching, research, and service. Information on some of these awards is located on the Office of the Provost Awards and Distinctions site. Others are listed below. In addition, faculty should consult with their college, department or other campus units.
Distinguished Alumni Professor
The Distinguished Alumni Professor award, given by the UF Alumni Association, recognizes superior and highly influential teachers whose contributions to the community, state, and nation have brought distinction to the university.
Outstanding Teaching and Advising Awards
The University of Florida recognizes its outstanding teachers and advisors from throughout the campus through awarding Teaching/Advising Awards, which are available to all colleges offering undergraduate instruction. These awards are to encourage and reward excellence, innovation, and effectiveness in either teaching or advising. Only three awards (two teaching and one advising award) are granted at the university level to individuals who receive college awards.
President's Medallion and University Medallion
Both medallions are awarded by the President. Recommendations may be made by any member of the university community to the President, but the President may also seek a vice presidential recommendation.
The President's Medallion, a two-and-a-half-inch medal, is given for outstanding service or contribution to the university. Examples of individuals receiving the award include the Teacher/Scholar of the Year, Distinguished Service Professors and Administrative Council members upon retirement, and other individuals inside and outside the university who have given outstanding service or contributions to the university and deserve special recognition.
The University Medallion, a two-inch medal, is given for significant service and loyalty to the university. Examples of individuals receiving this award include faculty upon their retirement from tenured positions with at least ten years of service, and other university employees and members of the university community who exhibited significant service and loyalty to the university.
Superior Accomplishment Awards
The Superior Accomplishment Awards program recognizes employees who contribute outstanding and meritorious service, efficiency and/or economy, or to the quality of life provided to students and employees. Division-level award recipients receive cash awards, then compete for university-level awards.
Teacher/Scholar of the Year Award
Teacher/Scholar of the Year is the highest honor bestowed upon a faculty member by the University of Florida. The award is to a faculty member who demonstrates excellence in both teaching and scholarly activity. The individual receives a cash award and the Presidential Medallion.