The college is the basic degree-granting unit of the university and may include departments, centers, and schools. The Dean is the chief administrative officer of a college and is appointed by the Provost (as the President's designee). The Dean has the authority and the responsibility for the administration and supervision of the college, and is the agent of the faculty for the execution of educational policy.
Except for the Graduate School, a school is a unit subordinate to a college organized for a special program of studies. The administrative officer of a school is the director. The department is the fundamental unit of academic and administrative organization. The administrative officers of departments are Chairs. Chairs and directors have the authority and responsibility for the administration and supervision of all activities of the department. Chairs and directors are responsible to their Deans and to their respective Vice Presidents.
The teaching, research, and extension functions of a department or school are conducted by the faculty under the auspices of the chair or director.
UF Colleges and Schools:
- College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
- College of the Arts
- College of Design, Construction and Planning
- Warrington College of Business
- College of Dentistry
- College of Education
- Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering
- College of Health and Human Performance
- College of Journalism and Communications
- Levin College of Law
- College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
- College of Medicine
- College of Nursing
- College of Pharmacy
- College of Public Health and Health Professions
- College of Veterinary Medicine